The Medal

St. Vibiana hasn’t had a medal in over 100 years. The following medal is one we designed based on her last one which was struck to commemorate the installation of her high altar at the old cathedral.

The front depicts the glass reliquary in which her bones and effigy were enshrined. This reliquary lived above the high altar. At the base is depicted a laurel crown to symbolize her victory as a saint and martyr. On the back of the medal we depict her high altar with our Lord exposed in a monstrance for adoration. Under the altar is the acronym “D.O.M.” which was engraved above the doorway of her old cathedral. It stands for the latin phrase “Deo Optimo Maximo” or in English, “God is the best and most great.”

We partnered with a U.S. based Catholic medal supplier on Etsy to sell bronze, white bronze, and silver versions of this medal.

If you would like to order in bulk for your parish or school, please contact

Where to buy:


The Innocent and Modest Vibiana Prayer Book